Below is a list of adjectives that can be used to describe tone. When you are trying to identify the tone of an essay, always remember that quite often more than one feeling or attitude is present. For instance, an angry letter might communicate not only anger, but regret, bitterness, and even an undertone of fear. A love letter might betray not only affection but curiosity, self-doubt (if the writer is uncertain of the feelings of the person to whom the letter is written), and uncertainty. Note also that some adjectives in the list are broader than others. To say that the tone of a piece of writing is happy tells us only a little about the attitude of the writer. Be careful not to confuse words that describe the effect of the essay with the attitude it conveys. An essay may be humorous in its effect, but the attitude of the writer may be apparently very serious. (Picture Rodney Dangerfield complaining away about getting "no respect"; the effect on the listener is hilarious, but Dangerfield's attitude is peevish and complaining.) For more information click on Tone: A Matter of Attitude at the end of this page.